



Private Policy


Sunnyteens Academy 服务条款和隐私政策


以下服务条款(“条款”)是您与 Sunnyteens Academy之间具有约束力的合同,并覆盖我们网站、课程、服务的使用,包括但不限于文本、图形、数据、文章、照片、图像、插图、视频等。请仔细阅读条款。

Sunnyteens Academy的所有网上课程和讲座回看视频不能替代医疗护理或临床心理健康服务。网上课程不是问诊、不是心理咨询。如果您在美国遇到威胁生命安全的紧急情况,请拨打 911。如果您需要诊疗服务,请联系您自己的家庭医生、精神科医生、心理咨询师或访问www.seevipdoc.com预约您所在州的精神科医生或心理咨询师。

  1. 如果您使用Sunnyteens Academy的服务,包括但不限于访问或使用Sunnyteens Academy的服务器、服务、网站或相关内容,即表示您同意这些条款。如果您不同意这些条款,请勿使用服务或访问任何内容。

  2. Sunnyteens Academy保留随时自行修改这些条款的权利,不另行通知。您有责任不时检查本网站条款的更新。继续访问或使用服务或内容,即表示您同意受任何修改后的条款的约束。
  3. 隐私政策:我们的隐私政策会详细介绍我们如何通过这些服务收集、处理和披露个人信息。请仔细阅读该政策。通过使用服务或访问内容,您同意授予 Sunnyteens Academy记录您与服务或内容的互动的权利,包括视频课、课上讨论、以及其他互动讲座。
  4. 服务选项您可以在官网首页找到我们的服务选项,其中将解释您在注册Sunnyteens Academy帐户时可以使用哪些服务选项。免费为您提供某些选项。不需要付费的服务目前称为“免费服务”。其他一些选项需要先付款才能访问。
  5. 付款、续订和取消:
    1. 您可以从Sunnyteens Academy购买课程或付费订阅,在报名时或一次性全额支付或按月订阅。即使费用由第三方支付,您也有责任确保付款。作为知识付费产品,服务或课程一旦售出,费用不予退款,请仔细考虑再付款。
    2. Sunnyteens Academy可能会在通知您后不定期更改付费订阅的价格。此类通知将解释这些更改。价格更改将在价格更改日期后的下一个订阅期开始时生效。根据适用法律,您在价格更改生效后继续使用服务即表示您接受新价格。如果您不同意价格变更,您有权在价格变更生效之前取消订阅付费。
  6. 年龄限制:如果您未满 16 岁,您不得访问或使用我们的服务和任何内容。如果您年满 16 岁但未满 18 岁,您只能在同意受这些条款约束的父母或法定监护人的监督下使用我们的服务或访问任何内容。如果您是父母或法定监护人,为了 16 岁或以上但未满 18 岁的儿童的利益而同意这些条款,则您对其使用服务承担全部责任。
  7. 法人实体:如果您代表法人实体使用服务或访问任何内容,则表示您声明并保证您有权代表该实体同意这些条款,或者具有此类权力的个人已代表该实体同意本条款。
  8. 心理和医疗健康免责声明:Sunnyteens Academy不能替代专业、个性化的医疗护理。在任何情况下,您与任何医生、咨询师、教练或使用服务的任何人的任何互动均不得被视为或解释为建立医患关系或任何类型的信托义务。如果您认为您可能会从与Sunnyteens Academy讨论的问题相关的个性化医疗护理中受益,Sunnyteens Academy强烈建议您寻求专业心理健康护理服务。
  9. 辅导:
    1. 如果您注册了Sunnyteens Academy的CBT认知行为家长课,您可以与Sunnyteens Academy授课老师互动。
    2. 讲师免责声明。Sunnyteens Academy授课老师不在Sunnyteens Academy平台提供任何心理健康或医疗状况的诊断或治疗。
  10. 社区准则:您只能将服务和内容用于合法活动。此外:
    1. 遵守所有适用的法律和法规:您必须遵守所有适用的当地、州和联邦法律和法规。
    2. 使用方式:您不得以任何有害、欺诈、欺骗、威胁、骚扰、诽谤、淫秽、辱骂或其他令人反感的方式使用服务。您不得使用服务或发布任何非法的或旨在促进或实施任何类型的非法行为的用户内容,包括侵犯 Sunnyteens Academy或第三方的知识产权、隐私权或专利。
    3. 承担责任:您同意不会因使用服务而使 Sunnyteens Academy、服务、用户或任何其他第三方遭受任何伤害或承担责任。
    4. 禁止恶意软件、木马、机器人等:您不得干扰或损害服务,包括但不限于通过使用病毒、机器人、有害代码、拒绝服务攻击、数据包或IP 地址欺骗、伪造路由、恶意代码、恶意软件或任何类似的方法或技术。
    5. 未经授权的广告:您不得使用服务上传、传输或宣传任何构成垃圾邮件或商业优惠的广告。
    6. 不侵权:您不得使用服务上传、传输或宣传任何侵犯或违反任何其他人的知识产权或任何其他权利的材料,包括Sunyteens Academy和任何附属服务。
    7. 未经授权的使用:您不得复制、重新分发、翻录、转让、向公众表演或展示、广播或向公众提供本服务或内容的任何部分,或以其他方式侵犯服务或内容或其任何部分的知识产权的内容。
    8. 未经授权的转让:您不得通过任何方式将缓存内容的副本从任何设备传输到另一设备。
    9. 禁止逆向工程:除适用法律允许的范围,您不得对服务、内容或其任何部分进行逆向工程、反编译汇编、修改或创建衍生作品。
    10. 无规避:您不得规避Sunnyteens Academy、其许可方或任何第三方为保护内容或服务而使用的任何技术。
    11. 未授予分许可:您不得出售、出租、再许可或租赁服务或内容的任何部分。
    12. 所有权声明:您不得删除或更改内容或服务中包含的或通过服务提供的任何版权、商标或其他知识产权声明。
    13. 密码:您不得将您的密码提供给任何其他人或使用任何其他人的用户名和密码。
  11. 第三方关联公司:通过使用服务或访问内容,您可以访问第三方网站、信息和服务,包括但不限于第三方数据库、网络、服务器、软件、系统、应用程序或产品。您承认Sunnyteens Academy不控制此类第三方网站和服务,也不对其内容、操作或使用负责。这些第三方服务包括但不限于Zoom、Kajabi和小鹅通。请仔细查看每个网站的条款和政策 - 您有责任确保遵守这些协议。请不时查看这些条款,因为它们可能随时更改。
  12. 原样保证,免责声明:您承认您正在使用Sunnyteens Academy,并自行承担风险。服务和内容“按原样”提供,Sunnyteens Academy特此否认任何及所有明示和暗示的保证,包括但不限于对准确性、可靠性、适销性、不侵权、特定用途适用性的任何保证,以及任何其他保证、条件、保证或陈述,无论是口头、书面还是电子形式。Sunnyteens Academy不声明或保证对服务的访问不会中断,或者传输信息不会出现故障、错误、遗漏或丢失,或者不会通过服务传播病毒。

    Sunnyteens Academy 对于第三方网站或服务提供的内容、信息或服务的合法性、准确性、质量或真实性不作任何明示或暗示的陈述、保证或认可。Sunnyteens Academy不对因您使用此类第三方网站和服务而造成的任何损害承担任何责任或义务,并且您特此放弃针对任何此类第三方网站和服务的内容或操作向Sunnyteens Academy提出的任何索赔。如需更多信息,请查看这些第三方网站和服务的使用条款。由于某些州不允许放弃默示保证,因此根据当地法律,您可能拥有额外的消费者权利。
  13. 责任限制:对于因使用本服务的任何内容或无法使用本服务、作为或不作为而产生的任何损害,Sunnyteens Academy不承担任何责任,并且您同意赔偿、免除、保护Sunnyteens Academy并使其免受损害。服务的用户,或因使用服务而引起或与之相关的其他损害,包括但不限于惩罚性、后果性、情感性、间接或惩戒性损害,或基于利润、数据或商誉损失的任何索赔。无论是基于与保证、合同、侵权、产品责任或任何其他法律理论相关的索赔,也无论Sunnyteens Academy是否知道、应该知道或被告知此类损害,此限制均适用。
  14. 适用法律。因本条款主题引起的或与之相关的任何争议,包括基于合同、侵权行为或法规的争议,均应受伊利诺伊州法律管辖并按其解释,不考虑其中的法律冲突条款。


Sunnyteens Academy尊重、重视、保护您的隐私。我们的隐私政策描述我们如何收集、使用和共享您的数据。通过以任何方式使用或访问服务,即表示您接受这些做法和政策,并且您同意我们按照政策中所述收集、使用和共享您的信息。





  1. 在这个网站上。
  2. 在您与本网站和www.SeeVIPdoc.com之间的电子邮件、短信和其他电子消息中。
  3. 当您使用服务时。
  4. 当您在第三方网站和服务上与我们的广告内容互动时。

  1. 收集的信息:
    • 自愿披露的信息:当您使用服务时,您可能会直接向我们提供一些信息。我们在我们的网站上或通过我们的网站收集的信息可能包括:
      • 您注册帐户时所需信息,例如您的电子邮件地址和用户名。
      • 您在服务上建立个人资料时直接向我们提供的信息,例如您的姓名、联系方式(如微信)、所在地区、性别等。
      • 当您发布材料或请求进一步服务时向我们提供的信息。
      • 当您向我们的网站或服务报告问题时向我们提供的信息。
      • 您对我们出于研究目的可能要求您完成的调查或问卷的答复。
      • 您通过我们的网站进行的交易以及订单履行的详细信息。在通过我们的网站下订单之前,您可能需要提供信用卡信息。
      • Sunnyteens Academy可能记录您与服务的互动。包括您参与视频会议、课程、以及其他数字或互动讲座、讨论、演讲等。我们有可能将课堂讨论、微信群讨论、作业中的不可识别信息用作市场营销、人员培训、课程素材和 AI 培训。如果Sunnyteens Academy向其他用户披露这些录音,未经您的同意,我们不会包含任何可识别的信息,比如您的姓名或联系信息。
      • Sunnyteens Academy可能使用这些录音来改进我们的服务与课程设置,为青少年及青少年家长提供更好的资源。
    • 自动收集的信息:当您与服务交互时,我们会自动接收并记录来自您的浏览器的信息,其中可能包括您的 IP 地址、地理位置数据、设备标识、“cookie”信息、您用于访问我们的服务的浏览器类型以及您请求的页面或功能。“Cookie”是我们传输到您的浏览器或设备的标识符,使我们能够识别您的浏览器或设备,并告诉我们我们服务中的页面和功能的访问方式、时间以及访问人数。您可以更改浏览器或设备上的首选项,以阻止或限制您的设备接受 cookie,但这可能会阻止您利用我们的某些服务。


当您点击服务上出现的广告时,我们的广告合作伙伴也可能会将 Cookie 传输到您的浏览器。如果您点击第三方网站或服务的链接,第三方也可能会向您传输 cookie。再次强调,本政策不涵盖任何第三方对 cookie 的使用,我们对其隐私政策和做法不承担任何责任。请注意,即使您离开我们的服务,第三方放置的 cookie 也可能会继续跟踪您的在线活动,并且这些第三方可能不会尊重您使用浏览器或设备设置的“请勿跟踪”请求。

  1. 财务信息。为了使用服务,您可能会被要求提供某些财务信息以便支付您需要购买的服务。请注意,您的财务信息将由我们聘请来处理我们的金融交易的第三方支付处理商收集,我们将无法访问您的支付信息。 Sunnyteens Academy 采用Stripe和Zelle的支付处理器,我们建议您查看Stripe(https://stripe.com/privacy)的隐私政策。
  2. 使用收集的信息:Sunnyteens Academy将您的信息用于各种目的,包括但不限于:
  • 为您提供对服务的访问权限、个性化服务
  • 就服务以及您可能感兴趣的产品、优惠或服务与您进行沟通
  • 确保服务质量,包括防止不当活动,例如服务条款禁止的活动
  • 审查客户报告并提供客户支持
  • 运营、改进和优化服务
  • 保护我们网站和服务的安全性和完整性
  • 向我们的合作伙伴和相关服务提供相关信息,以促进服务的提供,包括促进交易
  • 遵守我们的法律义务,包括我们对执法机构、合作伙伴和相关服务以及其他用户的义务
  • 用于一般营销和广告目的
  • 执行收集信息的任何其他目的。


  • 信息披露:我们雇用其他公司和人员代表我们执行任务,并需要与他们共享您的信息以便为您提供产品或服务;例如,我们可能会使用支付公司来为我们接收和处理您的信用卡交易。



    微信: https://www.wechat.com/zh_CN/privacy_policy.html


  • 向我们的子公司和附属公司披露
  • 向我们用于支持我们业务的承包商、服务提供商和其他第三方披露
  • 在发生合并、剥离、重组、改组、解散或以其他方式出售或转让Sunnyteens Academy的部分或全部资产时,无论是作为持续经营企业还是作为破产的一部分,向融资来源、买方或其他继承人披露,清算或类似程序,其中Sunnyteens Academy持有的有关我们网站用户的个人信息属于转让的资产
  • 实现您提供它的目的
  • 用于您提供信息时我们披露的任何其他目的
  • 经您同意我们还可能会披露您的个人信息用于:
  • 遵守任何法院命令、法律或法律程序,包括回应任何政府或监管机构的要求
  • 执行或应用我们的网站服务条款和其他协议,包括出于计费和收款目的
  • 如果我们认为披露对于保护我们、我们的用户、我们的客户或其他人的权利、财产或安全是必要或适当的
  1. 信息处理:我们的总部设在美国。无论您身在何处,您都同意我们在美国和其他国家/地区处理和传输您的信息。您承认美国和其他国家管理数据收集和使用的法律可能不如您居住国家的法律全面或具有保护性。‍‍

  2. 聚合形式的信息:我们可能会对您的个人信息进行去识别化处理,以便您不会被识别为个人,并将该信息提供给我们的合作伙伴。我们还可能向我们的合作伙伴提供汇总使用信息(或允许合作伙伴向您收集该信息),他们可能会使用此类信息来了解人们使用服务的频率和方式,以便他们也可以为您提供最佳的在线体验。
  3. 业务转让。我们可以选择购买或出售资产,并可以共享和/或转让与评估和参与此类交易相关的客户信息。此外,如果我们(或我们的资产)被收购,或者如果我们停业、破产或经历其他控制权变更,个人信息可能成为转让给第三方或由第三方收购的资产之一。‍‍

  4. 合法合规:我们保留访问、阅读、保存和披露我们认为遵守法律或法院命令所必需的任何信息的权利;执行或应用我们的服务和其他协议;或保护 Sunnyteens Academy、我们的员工、我们的用户或其他人的权利、财产或安全。
  5. 安全免责声明:我们尽力保护您帐户的隐私以及我们记录中保存的您的其他个人信息,但非常遗憾,我们无法保证绝对的安全。任何个人信息传输的风险均由您自行承担。未经授权的进入或使用、硬件或软件故障等因素,随时可能危及用户信息的安全。我们对规避网站上包含的任何隐私设置或安全措施不承担任何责任。

  6. 信息的修改:您可以通过帐户设置访问并在某些情况下编辑或删除您的姓名、密码和电话号码。您可以查看、更新和删除的信息可能会因时间的推移而变化。您可以要求我们从服务中删除您的帐户和数据。但是,由于备份等原因,可能无法完全删除您的个人信息。此外,如果您请求删除您的信息,您将无法使用服务。您不得要求从我们的数据库中删除去识别化、匿名或汇总的数据。
  7. 用户年龄:如果您未满 16 岁,您不得下载或使用我们的服务或访问或提供任何内容。如果您年满 16 岁但未满 18 岁,您只能在同意受这些条款约束的父母或法定监护人的监督下使用我们的服务。如果您是父母或法定监护人,为了 16 岁或以上但 18 岁以下儿童的利益而同意本条款,则您对其使用服务承担全部责任。

Terms of Service


These Terms of Service ("Terms") constitute a binding contract between you and Sunnyteens Academy, and cover the use of our website, courses, and services, including but not limited to text, graphics, data, articles, photos, images, illustrations, videos, and other content. Please read the terms carefully.


All online courses and recorded lecture videos provided by Sunnyteens Academy are not a substitute for medical care or clinical mental health services. Online courses are not for diagnosis or psychological counseling. In case of a life-threatening emergency in the United States, please dial 911. If you require medical services, contact your family doctor, psychiatrist, or mental health counselor, or visit www.seevipdoc.com to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist or counselor in your state.


  1. By using the services of Sunnyteens Academy, including but not limited to accessing or using Sunnyteens Academy's servers, services, website, or related content, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use the services, or access any content.


  1. Sunnyteens Academy reserves the right to modify these terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to periodically check for updates to these website terms. Continued access or use of services or content indicates your agreement to be bound by any modified terms. 


  1. Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy explains in detail how we collect, process, and disclose personal information through these services. Please read the policy carefully. By using the services or accessing content, you consent to Sunnyteens Academy recording your interactions with the services or content, including video classes, class discussions, and other interactive lectures.


  1. Service Options: You can find our service options on the official website, where we explain the services available when registering for a Sunnyteens Academy account. Some options are provided free of charge. Services that do not require payment are currently referred to as "free services." Access to other options requires payment.


  1. Payment, Renewal, and Cancellation:

5.1. You may purchase courses or subscribe to paid services from Sunnyteens Academy, either by full payment at enrollment or through monthly subscriptions. Even if fees are paid by a third party, you are responsible for ensuring payment. Once sold, services or courses are non-refundable; please carefully consider before making payments.

5.2. Sunnyteens Academy may periodically change the prices of paid subscriptions after notifying you. Such notifications will explain these changes. Price changes will take effect at the beginning of the next subscription period after the price change date. By continuing to use the service after the price change takes effect, you accept the new prices. If you do not agree to the price change, you have the right to cancel the subscription before the price change takes effect.


  1. Age Limitations: If you are under 16 years old, you may not access or use our services and any content. If you are 16 or older but under 18, you may only use our services or access any content under the supervision and agreement of parents or legal guardians who consent to these terms. If you are a parent or legal guardian, agreeing to these terms on behalf of a child aged 16 or older but under 18, you assume full responsibility for their use of the services.


  1. Legal Entities: If you represent a legal entity using the services or accessing any content, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind the entity to these terms or that an individual with such authority has consented to these terms on behalf of the entity.


  1. Disclaimer for Mental and Medical Health: Sunnyteens Academy cannot replace professional, personalized medical care. In no event shall any interaction with any doctor, counselor, coach, or anyone using the services be construed as establishing a doctor-patient relationship or any type of fiduciary obligation. If you believe you may benefit from personalized medical care related to issues discussed with Sunnyteens Academy, it is strongly recommended that you seek professional mental health care services.


  1. Coaching: 

9.1. If you enroll in Sunnyteens Academy's CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Parenting Course, you can interact with Sunnyteens Academy's teaching staff. 

9.2. Instructor Disclaimer: Sunnyteens Academy instructors do not provide any diagnosis or treatment for mental health or medical conditions on the Sunnyteens Academy platform.


  1. Community Guidelines: You may only use the services and content for lawful activities. Additionally: 

10.1. Compliance with all Applicable Laws and Regulations: You must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 

10.2. Use: You may not use the services in any harmful, fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, abusive, or otherwise objectionable manner. You may not use the services or post any illegal or content intended to promote or engage in any type of illegal activity, including the infringement of Sunnyteens Academy's or third-party intellectual property, privacy, or patent rights. 

10.3. Accountability: You agree not to cause harm or liability to Sunnyteens Academy, the services, users, or any other third party through the use of the services. 

10.4. Prohibition of Malware, Trojan Horses, Bots, etc.: You may not interfere with or damage the services, including but not limited to using viruses, bots, malicious code, denial-of-service attacks, packet or IP address spoofing, routing fraud, malicious code, malware, or any similar methods or techniques. 

10.5. Unauthorized Advertising: You may not use the services to upload, transmit, or advertise any spam or commercial solicitations. 

10.6. Non-Infringement: You may not use the services to upload, transmit, or advertise any material that infringes or violates any other person's intellectual property or any other rights, including materials related to Sunnyteens Academy and any affiliated services. 

10.7. Unauthorized Use: You may not copy, redistribute, record, transfer, perform, display to the public, or broadcast any part of the services or content, or otherwise infringe on the intellectual property rights of the services or content or any part thereof. 

10.8. Unauthorized Transfer: You may not transfer copies of cached content from one device to another in any way. 

10.9. Prohibition of Reverse Engineering: Except to the extent permitted by applicable law, you may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, or create derivative works of the services, content, or any part thereof. 

10.10. No Circumvention: You may not circumvent any technology used by Sunnyteens Academy, its licensors, or any third party to protect content or services. 

10.11. Unauthorized Sub-Licensing: You may not sell, rent, sublicense, or lease any part of the services or content. 

10.12. Ownership Statements: You may not remove or alter any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property statements included in or provided through the services or content. 

10.13. Passwords: You may not provide your password to anyone else or use anyone else's username and password.


  1. Third-Party Affiliated Companies: By using the services or accessing content, you may access third-party websites, information, and services, including but not limited to third-party databases, networks, servers, software, systems, applications, or products. You acknowledge that Sunnyteens Academy does not control such third-party websites and services and is not responsible for their content, operation, or use. These third-party services include but are not limited to Zoom, Kajabi, and Xiaoe-Tech. Please review the terms and policies of each website - you are responsible for ensuring compliance with these agreements. Check these terms periodically, as they may change at any time.



  • As-Is Warranty, Disclaimer: You acknowledge that you are using Sunnyteens Academy at your own risk. The services and content are provided "as is," and Sunnyteens Academy hereby disclaims any and all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of accuracy, reliability, merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, and any other warranties, conditions, guarantees, or statements, whether oral, written, or electronic. Sunnyteens Academy does not declare or guarantee that access to the services will be uninterrupted, or that the transmission of information will not fail, have errors, omissions, or be lost, or that viruses will not be spread through the services.


Sunnyteens Academy makes no express or implied statements, warranties, or endorsements regarding the legality, accuracy, quality, or authenticity of the content, information, or services provided by third-party websites or services. Sunnyteens Academy assumes no liability or obligation for any damages resulting from your use of such third-party websites and services, and you hereby waive any claims against Sunnyteens Academy for any content or operations of such third-party websites and services. For more information, please review the terms of use of these third-party websites and services. As some states do not allow the waiver of implied warranties, you may have additional consumer rights under local law.



  • Limitation of Liability: For any damages arising from the use or inability to use the services, or acts or omissions, Sunnyteens Academy assumes no liability, and you agree to indemnify, release, and hold Sunnyteens Academy harmless from and against any damages, injuries, claims, or other damages arising from or related to your use of the services, including but not limited to punitive, consequential, emotional, indirect, or exemplary damages, or any claims based on profits, data, or goodwill losses. This limitation applies regardless of whether claims are based on warranties, contracts, torts, product liability, or any other legal theory, and whether Sunnyteens Academy knew, should have known, or was informed of such damages.




  • Applicable Law:Any dispute arising from or related to the subject matter of these terms, including disputes based on contract, tort, or regulations, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.



Privacy Policy


Sunnyteens Academy respects, values, and protects your privacy. Our privacy policy describes how we collect, use, and share your data. By using or accessing the service in any way, you indicate your acceptance of these practices and policies, and you agree that we collect, use, and share your information as described in the policy.


We may update this policy at any time without further notice. It is your responsibility to check for updates periodically. We may provide notice of policy changes on our website or through email. Continuing to use the service signifies your agreement to any modifications to this policy.


This policy applies to the information we collect:


  • On this website.
  • In electronic communications, such as emails, messages, and other electronic messages between you and this website or www.SeeVIPdoc.com.
  • When you use the service.
  • When you interact with our advertising content on third-party websites and services.




  • Information Collected:
  • Voluntarily Disclosed Information: When using the service, you may directly provide us with information. The information we collect on our website or through our website may include:
  • Information required when registering an account, such as your email address and username.
  • Information directly provided by you when creating a profile on the service, such as your name, contact information (like WeChat), location, gender, etc.
  • Information provided when posting materials or requesting additional services.
  • Information provided when reporting issues to our website or service.
  • Your responses to surveys or questionnaires requested for research purposes.
  • Details of transactions and order fulfillment when placing orders through our website, which may require providing credit card information.
  • Sunnyteens Academy may record your interactions with the service, including participation in video conferences, courses, and other digital or interactive lectures, discussions, speeches, etc. Recordings may be used for marketing, personnel training, course materials, and AI training. Any disclosures to other users will exclude personally identifiable information without your consent, such as your name or contact information.
  • Sunnyteens Academy may use these recordings to enhance our services and course settings, providing better resources for teenagers and their parents.
  • Automatically Collected Information: When interacting with the service, we automatically receive and record information from your browser. This may include your IP address, geolocation data, device identifiers, cookie information, browser type used to access our service, and the pages or features requested. "Cookies" are identifiers we transmit to your browser or device, enabling us to recognize your browser or device and inform us of how pages and features in our service are accessed, the time, and the number of visitors. You can change preferences on your browser or device to block or limit your device from accepting cookies, but this may hinder the use of some services.


When clicking on advertisements on the service, our advertising partners may also transmit Cookies to your browser. Clicking on links to third-party websites or services may result in third parties transmitting cookies. It's emphasized that this policy does not cover the use of cookies by third parties, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies and practices. Please note that even if you leave our service, cookies placed by third parties may continue to track your online activity, and these third parties may not respect "Do Not Track" requests set on your browser or device.


  1. Financial Information: To use the service, you may be required to provide certain financial information for payment of services. Your financial information will be collected by third-party payment processors we hire to handle our financial transactions. We will not have access to your payment information. Sunnyteens Academy utilizes the payment processor Stripe, and we recommend reviewing Stripe's privacy policy at https://stripe.com/privacy.


  1. Use of Collected Information: Sunnyteens Academy uses your information for various purposes, including but not limited to:
  1. Providing you with access to the service and personalized services. 
  2. Communicating with you about the service and products, promotions, or services you may be interested in.
  3. Ensuring service quality, including preventing improper activities prohibited by the terms of service.
  4. Reviewing customer reports and providing customer support.
  5. Operating, improving, and optimizing the service.
  6. Protecting the security and integrity of our website and service.
  7. Providing relevant information to our partners and related services to facilitate service provision, including transaction facilitation.
  8. Complying with our legal obligations, including obligations to law enforcement, partners, related services, and other users.
  9. For general marketing and advertising purposes.
  10. Enforcing any other purposes for collecting information.
  11. We may communicate with you via email, SMS, or phone to verify your account, notify you of activities on our platform, changes to our policies and procedures, or in other ways to facilitate service operations.



  • Information Disclosure: We employ other companies and individuals to perform tasks on our behalf and may need to share your information with them to provide products or services. For example, we may use payment companies to handle credit card transactions. 



Please note that if you submit any personally identifiable information to service sections accessible by other users (e.g., comment sections), other users will be able to see that personally identifiable information. Therefore, include in such submissions only information you are willing to share with third parties.


The information you provide may also be shared with third parties, including but not limited to WeChat, Kajabi, Zoom, and Xiaoe Tong. Please review their privacy policies for more information.

WeChat: https://www.wechat.com/zh_CN/privacy_policy.html

Kajabi: https://legal.kajabi.com/policies/privacy

Zoom: https://explore.zoom.us/en/privacy/

Xiaoe Tong: https://admin.xiaoe-tech.com/privacy_protocol_page

We may disclose information about you without restrictions in aggregate form (as described in section 5).


We may disclose personal information we collect or provide as described in this policy to:

  1. Disclosure to Our Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies
  2. Disclosure to Contractors, Service Providers, and Other Third Parties Supporting Our Business
  3. In the Event of Mergers, Divestitures, Restructuring, Reorganization, Dissolution, or Sale: In the event of any of the mentioned scenarios involving a partial or complete transfer of Sunnyteens Academy's assets, whether as an ongoing business or as part of bankruptcy proceedings, disclosure to financing sources, buyers, or other successors may occur. Any personal information held by Sunnyteens Academy related to users of our website would be considered part of the transferred assets.
  4. To achieve the purposes for which you Provided It
  5. For Any Other Purposes Disclosed at the Time of Providing Information


With your consent, we may also disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To Comply with Any Court Orders, Laws, or Legal Processes, Including Responding to Requests from Government or Regulatory Authorities
  2. To Enforce or Apply Our Website Terms of Service and Other Agreements, Including for Billing and Payment Purposes
  3. If We Believe Disclosure is Necessary or Appropriate to Protect Our, Our Users', Our Customers', or Others' Rights, Property, or Safety


  1. Information Processing: Our headquarters are located in the United States. Regardless of your location, you agree that we may process and transmit your information in the United States and other countries/regions. You acknowledge that the laws governing data collection and usage in the United States and other countries may not be as comprehensive or protective as the laws of your country of residence.


  1. Aggregated Form of Information: We may de-identify your personal information so that you are not individually identifiable and provide such information to our partners. We may also provide aggregated usage information (or allow partners to collect such information) to our partners, who may use such information to understand how people use the services in order to provide you with the best online experience.


  1. Business Transfers: We may choose to buy or sell assets and may share and/or transfer customer information as part of the assessment and participation in such transactions. Additionally, if we (or our assets) are acquired or if we go out of business, enter bankruptcy, or undergo another change in control, personal information may be one of the transferred assets to be transferred to or acquired by a third party.


  1. Legal Compliance: We reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information that we believe is necessary to comply with the law or court order; enforce or apply our services and other agreements; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Sunnyteens Academy, our employees, our users, or others.


  1. Security Disclaimer: While we make every effort to protect the privacy of your account and other personal information stored in our records, we regret to inform you that we cannot guarantee absolute security. The risks of any personal information transmission are borne by you. Unauthorized access or use, hardware or software failures, and other factors may compromise the security of user information at any time. We are not responsible for circumventing any privacy settings or security measures contained on the website.


The security of your information also depends on you. If we provide you (or you choose) a password to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. We remind you to be cautious when posting information in public areas of the website (such as comment sections, message boards, public WeChat groups). Information you share in public areas may be viewed by any user of the website.


  1. Modification of Information: You can access and, in certain cases, edit or delete your name, password, and phone number through account settings. The information you can view, update, and delete may change over time. You can request us to delete your account and data from the service. However, due to backup and other reasons, it may not be possible to completely delete your personal information. Additionally, if you request the deletion of your information, you will not be able to use the service. You may not request the deletion of de-identified, anonymous, or aggregated data from our database.


  1. User Age: If you are under 16 years old, you may not download or use our services or access or provide any content. If you are 16 years old but under 18 years old, you may only use our services under the supervision of parents or legal guardians who agree to be bound by these terms. If you are a parent or legal guardian and agree to these terms for the benefit of a child aged 16 or older but under 18, you are responsible for their use of the service.